

Ophelia is the identical twin sister of Cedric’s late first wife Sylvia. She lives in the cluttered comfort of her Triang 61 with her faithful pipe-pooch Smokey.  She is renowned for her hat collection which could easily rival the shoe collection of Imelda Marcos.  Scarves (particularly chenille boas) and handbags are also important to Ophelia.

[I’m not sure why it should be, but there are many sets of twins in Grecondale. In fact, twins, both identical and non-identical, seem to be a common phenomenon throughout much of Grecondom.]

If all tales be true, particularly her own, Ophelia has had quite a racy past.  After a few gin and tonics she has been know to allude to past romantic connections with the Aga Kahn and Sir Thomas Chutney (a millionaire mouse magnate from Greconville – an eccentric and unruly Grecon settlement in the south of England).  It is highly likely that these claims have little to do with fact and a lot to do with Ophelia’s penchant for name-dropping and wicked desire to shock.

Despite having a more sedate life-style now than in her salad days, Ophelia still has a twinkle in her eye, speaks her mind unswervingly and is very fond of a tipple.  More recently, she has reluctantly become something of a confidante to Isla (who could be considered a sister-in-law of sorts, being the second wife of her brother-in-law Cedric), but more of that later.

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